Richard Hurley

Network + Certified | Leadership Certified | Selfless and Determined

Contact Information:

System Administration

Responsible for ensuring stable and efficient operation of computers and the computer network across 23 locations serving over 1,000 staff members and 10,000 students

Management of approximately 1500 workstations/laptops, 60 servers, 1200 smartboards, and 11,000 Chromebooks.

Network Administration

Responsible for primary data-center operations as well as the over 20 locations across the city.

Managed Fortinet Firewall, 250 Brocade/Extreme Network routers and switches, as well as over 900 access points, and just about every point in between.

Programming & Scripting

Utilized a variety of languages to help progress computing and networking environment across the district

Created 100's of Powershell Scripts with different objectives including updating, maintaining, repairing, and monitoring various systems.

Created ASP, C# website to monitor 1000's of endpoints. Now skilled in Python and have created several code sources gaining highly satisfied clients. Also skilled in html, javascript, css, and more.

Project Management

As a leader both in my military career and out, I have successfully lead many projects. Most recent major achievments include:
Planning and procuring a 1.8 million USD network refresh involving every part of the district network. 1.3 million USD staff workstation refresh where my team and I prepared over 1,000 new laptops

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Nihon We Go! Website

Website dedicated to helping English speakers learn the Japanese language.

Although the site uses Wix as a platform, it highlights the use of html, javascript, and css as well as a large project.

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Python - Django app for displaying network switch information. Hosted on Railway with Postgre database.

Features dynamic table updating for "real-time" updates as well as a cpu/mem chart in switch details.

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BlockWall Content Filter

Chrome Web Extension designed for enterprise filtering

Uses javascript to scan a page for content that is likely to be unsuitable for a work or educational purposes and serves a block page when determined.

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Python - Django app for displaying Iris data.

Features modern design styling with 3 different graph types (matplotlib, seaborn, and chart.js

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Created using Python and verified functionality of structure using WireShark

Snippet of the backend code I created to send an SNMP GetRequest to query network devices

Code Available Upon Request
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Kanji Widget App

Small widget like app that written in C#

Rotates through Kanji at a selectable pace. Users can choose from multiple datasets and randomize the order if desired.

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